Methodological strategies in teaching first aid to schoolchildren
first aid; education; kid; learningAbstract
Introduction: The educational strategy must be linked to the child's development stage and playful activities can be used in the teaching-learning process. Objective: To identify the methodological strategies used in teaching first aid to schoolchildren. Methods: Scope review carried out in March 2020, on eight national and international data sources. We followed the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute. Results: 13 studies from 2013 to 2018 were included. The most observed methodological strategies were: theoretical training associated with practical skills, use of PowerPoint, videos, photos, mannequins, automatic external defibrillator, playful objects such as gauze, bandages and dressings, wheel interactive conversation, elaboration of fictional problem situations, simulation of wounds and burns with syrup and makeup, delivery of informative pamphlets, painting of drawings, self-instruction kits, digital games, board games and puppetry dramatization shows. Those who used these methodologies the most were health professionals, teachers and instructors. Conclusion: Main strategies found: elaboration of problem situations, use of games and mannequins.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Kauanny Vitoria Gurgel dos Santos, Virna Maria Santiago da Silva de Andrade, Gabriel Zambiaze Farias, Hurana Ketile da Cunha, Francisco Ivis Duarte, Isabelle Leite Alves, Daniele Vieira Dantas, Rodrigo Assis Neves Dantas
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