FFun activity in the educational process for the stomized patient
ostomy; health education; nursing careAbstract
Introduction: Intestinal ostomy is a surgical procedure that connects the internal to the external environment of the abdominal wall. Patients who undergo this procedure need guidance about their new life condition. Objective: To assess the understanding acquired by the ostomy patient after applying a playful activity as a tool for nursing guidance. Methods: This is a qualitative study, carried out in the surgical clinic of a public hospital. A semi-structured interview was applied to the participants to evaluate an educational game with nursing guidelines for the ostomy patient. Results: Seven patients were included, four were male, aged between 22 and 49 years. From the analyzed testimonies, three thematic classes emerged: Patient's knowledge about ostomy; Learning linked to the educational game and Difficulties presented by ostomy patients in the application of the educational game. Results: Health guidance through play activities is an enriching source that encourages proper self-care for patients with intestinal stoma. The playful activity provided guidelines for the patient to take care of their intestinal stoma in order to prevent complications. Conclusion: The nursing guidelines provided through the playful activity can be characterized as an effective tool in stimulating self-care for ostomized patients.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nataly da Silva Gonçalves, Iago Vieira Gomes, Fernanda Caroline Florêncio, Ilana Brito Ferraz de Souza , Solange Queiroga Serrano
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