Prevenção quaternária: percepções, possibilidades e desafios na atenção primária à saúde
quaternary prevention; medicalization; primary health care; family practice; complementary therapiesAbstract
Introduction: the Quaternary Prevention is a fundamental concept in the services, mainly in the Primary Health Care. This practice stimulates the health professionals to rethink about the conducts employed on the clinical caring, aiming to protect individual of unnecessary and harmful actions. Objective: analyzing the perceptions, possibilities and challenges of the professionals of Primary Health Care to the development of the Quaternary Prevention. Method: study of qualitative approach, of the type research-action, whose scenery was the Primary Care and the participants, nine professionals from different knowledge cores. The data collect happened on September of 2020, through dialogical and remote meeting in a digital platform. The treatment of the information followed the e stages of the Thematic Analysis of Content. Results: the health professionals recognize the concept and the valuation of interventionists practices was evidenced as one of the challenges for the Quaternary Prevention applicability. That is why they consider crucial its incorporation in the daily of the practice, being the Permanent Education in Health a strategy to the transformation of this culture. Conclusion: it is necessary the insertion of practices less invasive and that preserves the individual autonomy in relation to its health, ensuring the quality on the services. In this sense, the Quaternary Prevention needs to be discussed and valued by the professionals.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Aline Lemes de Souza, Carine Vendruscolo, Denise Antunes de Azambuja Zocche, Rosana Amora Ascari , Karina Schopf, Bruna Pedroso Oliveira
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.