Aiming subjectivities in nursing agencies in the management of the surgical center: an observational study
Philosophy, Nursing, Hospital Surgery Department, Operating Rooms, Hospital Administration, Health Administration and PlanningAbstract
Objective: To track the political-organizational arrangements to which the nursing team is subjected during their work process in the space of the surgical center. Methods: Descriptive, observational, quanti-qualitative study, using tracks 2, 3 and 5 of the cartography. The surgical center of a university hospital was the setting for data collection from June to September 2021 through field diaries. There were 32 surgical interventions with 89 members of the nursing team out of a universe of 161. Results: In the operating room, 97.67% are nursing technicians with an average of three members per surgery. Urology was the most frequent specialty and most occurred during the day. The time in the operating room was 4h25'56” on average. The assemblages captured in the observations highlighted that the medical team is imperative to the flows generated, in addition to the lack and failure as molar-molecular elements of the institution and the team. Conclusion: Managing is a territory/nursing act in the surgical center during occurrences, failures, disorganizations and absences, but attitudinally determinant for the effectiveness of molar actions of what is planned within the political-institutional organization, considering that managing from within the rooms is the nursing technician and the outside is the nurse.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ricardo de Oliveira Meneses, Nathalia Roberta de Azevedo Dias, Silvia Teresa Carvalho de Araújo, Cintia Silva Fassarella, Cecília Maria Izidoro Pinto, Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo
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