Perception of nursing students on the action of rapid testing for COVID-19 during the supervised internship




COVID-19, covid-19 testing, pandemic


This study aimed to report the experience of the interns of the Nursing office during the participation in a rapid testing action for COVID-19 in a private University Center in the city of Niterói, state of Rio de Janeiro. This is a descriptive study, experience report type with a qualitative approach, developed from the experience of nursing students during the collective health internship in the nursing office of a Clinical School. In our action, 25 teachers and coordinators were attended to and tested, being 15 women and 10 men. We noted that of this total, 11 employees had a positive IgG result and part of them were unaware of their health condition. We emphasize that nurses have a fundamental role in the development of educational actions, contributing to information and prevention of emerging diseases, making it necessary to carry out future field studies detailing the experience of health professionals on these actions.

Author Biographies

Ana Cristina da Silva Oliveira, Centro Universitário Anhanguera

Professora orientadora do Estágio Supervisionado do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Anhanguera de Niteroí, Docente das disciplinas Centro Cirúrgico/RPA/CME, Gestão em Enfermagem e Competências Profissionais, Niteroí, RJ, Brasil

Fernanda Gomes Costa, Centro Universitário Anhanguera

Graduanda em Enfermagem, Centro Universitário Anhanguera de Niterói, RJ, Brasil

Bruna Lins Rocha de Pádua, Centro Universitário Anhanguera

Enfermeira Preceptor do Curso de Enfermagem, Centro Universitário Anhanguera de Niterói, RJ, Brasil

Luiz Carlos Moraes França, Centro Universitário Anhanguera

Enfermeiro Preceptor do Curso de Enfermagem, Centro Universitário Anhanguera de Niterói, RJ, Brasil

Pedro Paulo Corrêa Santana, Centro Universitário Anhanguera

Enfermeiro, Preceptor do Curso de Enfermagem, Centro Universitário Anhanguera de Niterói, RJ, Brasil

Victória Badini Soton, Centro Universitário Anhanguera

Graduanda em Enfermagem, Centro Universitário Anhanguera de Niterói, RJ, Brasil


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Experience reports