Interventions used by obstetrician nurses in the preparation programs for childbirth: integrative review
nurse midwives, childbirth preparationAbstract
Background: The preparation of the pregnant woman for the childbirth enables the woman to experience good experiences in labor, feeling herself the protagonist of the process. This preparation should be started early in prenatal care and involve not only biological aspects, but also a welcoming approach to the woman and her family. For this reason, WHO recommends midwifes and qualified obstetricians in the participation of women's care in primary care, as well as in the direct assistance to childbirth. Objective: To review in the literature scientific evidences that address the performance of the obstetrician nurse in the interventions used in the preparation programs for childbirth. Methods: This is an integrative review type study in the electronic databases: Pubmed (Medical Publications); VHL (Virtual Health Library) and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Results: Regarding the interventions used, the most important were the group-based in-class courses (73.68%) and by telephone by appointment (21%). Respiratory exercises, relaxation techniques and concentration were in 52.63% of the subjects covered. 42.10% of the researches have emerged as non-pharmacological methods for pain relief, dealing with fear and delivery at the moment. We used cognitive behavioral therapy (1), psycho-educational counseling (4) and mindfulness meditation (2). In addition to the drama-image method for poorly literate women. Conclusion: The preparation for childbirth allowed us to verify the benefits of this practice in the autonomy of women, conscious choices, greater parturient satisfaction, reduction of fear and increase of knowledge.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Laisa Duarte Santiago, Danielle Castro Janzen, Eduarda Ferreira da Silva, Luana Vitro Barreto, Luíza Csordas Peixinho Silva
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