Nursing process in patients with chronic wound in primary and secondary care: scoping review




ambulatory care, primary health care, wounds and injuries, nursing process


Objective: To identify the implementation of the nursing process in the care of patients with wounds in primary and secondary health care. Methods: Scoping review whose studies were selected in databases: Lilacs, BDENF, IBECS, CUMED, CINAHL, Medline (via Pubmed), EMBASE, Scopus y Science Direct. Results: Nine studies were analyzed, 66.7% in primary healthcare and 33.3% in secondary healthcare settings. The nursing process was not fully implemented in these services, and no study described the five steps. Five studies reported that care and execution of dressings were carried by nursing technicians. The nursing process documentation and record were not described in the studies. Conclusion: Fragmentation and empirical, uncoordinated execution of the nursing process were evident in the selected studies. Knowing the scenario of nursing care regarding procedures carried out in patients with wounds is essential for reflection and changes in practices oriented toward improving care quality.

Author Biographies

Taysa de Fátima Garcia, UFMG

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil

Claudiomiro da Silva Alonso, UFMG

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil

Eline Lima Borges, UFMG

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil


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