Evaluation of the knowledge of nursing students about prevention and treatment of pressure injuries
pressure ulcer, nursing, health human resource trainingAbstract
Objective: To assess the knowledge of nursing students about the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries. Methods: Cross-sectional study, carried out in May 2022, with nursing students from the fourth to the ninth semester of a public university in southern Brazil. The sample consisted of 83 students. The instrument was constructed by the authors based on the Caliri-Pieper Knowledge Test, being considered adequate knowledge in the occurrence of at least 90% of correct answers. Data collection took place online, through Google Forms®. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, with the T test and with the Wilcoxon non-parametric test. Results: The mean age was 24.8 ± 3.7 years, with a predominance of females (77; 92.8%). The knowledge assessment showed 18.5 (68.5%) correct answers, 5.1 (19%) wrong answers and 3.4 (12.5%) questions unknown. The semester with the highest number of correct answers was the fifth (19.5 questions; 72.2%; p = 0.956). In the fourth semester, the greatest lack of knowledge occurred (5.8 questions; 21.3%; p = 0.404), as well as the highest number of wrong questions (3.9 questions; 14.4%; p = 0.268). There were no values greater than or equal to 90% (44.4 to 85.2%) of correct answers in the students' answers. Conclusion: The study showed that academics do not have adequate knowledge on the subject, needing improvement to qualify the assistance to be provided in internships and as a professional. It is suggested to review the curricular contents taught, as well as to carry out extension projects focused on the theme.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marana Iribarrem Ness, Andreia Barcellos Teixeira Macedo, Rafaela Linck Davi, Luély Vacari Ortiz, Rosaura Soares Paczek, Deborah Bulegon Mello, Júlia Casa Fagherazzi, Enaura Helena Brandão Chaves
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