Functional capacity and quality of life in elderly
aging, daily activities, quality of lifeAbstract
Over the years, the body loses its ability to perform daily activities, and can influence the quality of life. The objective is to analyze the association between functional capacity and quality of life in the elderly. A cross-sectional, analytical, quantitative study was carried out in the municipality of Maiquinique, Bahia, with 121 elderly people enrolled in two family health programs. A sociodemographic questionnaire was applied, plus the Katz and Lawton Scale for functional capacity assessment, and the Whoqol bref for quality of life assessment. The data were analyzed with the statistical package SPSS 22.0, and the association between functional capacity and quality of life was verified through the Mann-Whitnney U test. 9.9% of the elderly were dependent for Basic Activity of Daily Living (ADL) while 19% for Instrumental Activity of Daily Living (IADL). Functional dependencies in both ADL and IADL were associated with a lower mean in all domains of quality of life (p = 0.001), except for the environmental domain and ADL (p = 0.071). We concluded that there is a relationship between functional dependence and low quality of life in the elderly, both in their general aspects and in the individualized domains.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Jessica Lacerda Pereira, Filipe Ferraz de Araujo, Kleyton Trindade Santos
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