Pain characteristics and its influence in the labor activities in northeastern Brazilian farmers


  • Cristiano Barreto de Miranda UFS
  • Isabela Freire Azevedo-Santos Faculdade Estácio de Sergipe
  • Natália Lupinacci FACAR
  • José Aderval Aragão UFS
  • Sheila Schneiberg UFS



Introduction: Agricultural work is considered a dangerous activity with physical and mental stress. Pain is one of the most common disabilities among agricultural workers. Objective: To determine the incidence, intensity, characteristic of pain and its impact on labor activities in farmers. Methods: Transversal study, pain evaluations consist of: 1) presence / intensity; 2) characteristic of painful experience; 3) episode of pain in the last 30 days and 4) interference of pain at work. Validated and specific pain scales were used, and descriptive statistics were applied. Results: 157 rural farmers were recruited, 128 farmers, 40.4 (11.4) years, participated in the study, 25% of the farmers reported pain at the time of evaluation with mean of 5.5 (0.47) intensity. The predominant pain characteristic was the evaluative type (34%), followed by affective (30%), 83 (65%) of farmers reported pain in the last four weeks, and 60% of these farmers reported pain interference in work activity. Conclusion: Pain, according to farmers in this study, is the main cause of absence and poor performance at work. To accurately assess the intensity of work-related pain, instruments may need to be applied over a continuous period of time, preferably during work day.

Key-words: worker health, pain, pain assessment.

Author Biographies

Cristiano Barreto de Miranda, UFS

Ft., M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Campus Lagarto, Lagarto/SE,  Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Aplicadas í  Saúde

Isabela Freire Azevedo-Santos, Faculdade Estácio de Sergipe

Ft., D.Sc., Faculdade Estácio de Sergipe, Aracaju/SE    

Natália Lupinacci, FACAR

Ft., M.Sc.,

Faculdade de Aracaju (FACAR), Departamento de Fisioterapia

José Aderval Aragão, UFS

Departamento de Medicina

Sheila Schneiberg, UFS

Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Campus Lagarto,  Departamento Fisioterapia, Fisioterapia Neurofuncional Adulto e Pediátrica, Controle e Desenvolvimento motor, Fisioterapia Aquática


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