Functional evaluation of children with disabilities: contextual and family factors for child development
children with disabilities, familyAbstract
Introduction: In children, neuromotor dysfunctions cause disabilities and limitations to perform their activities. The evaluation of the functionality allows to know activities performed and conditions of participation in relevant contexts of child development. Objective: To evaluate the functionality of children with disabilities and describe the results in parallel with the contextual factors. Methods: Twenty children from 11 to 144 months participated in the study. The evaluation was performed by unstructured questionnaire and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, Children and Youngsters (CIF-CJ) instrument and data analysis were descriptive. Results: Predominate males (70%), term births (60%), cesarean type in public hospitals (85% respectively) and 50% presented mild difficulties in relation to Apgar 1 minute. As to the topography, 95% presented pyramidal lesions, predominating quadriplegia. In the functional evaluation the greatest difficulties were the activities of going up and down stairs, walking, running and jumping. The least difficulty was in rolling activity, both in performance and in capacity. Conclusion: The contextual factors when considered carefully could alleviate the problems caused by motor dysfunctions and contribute to improving the quality of life of children with disabilities.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Gisélia Gonçalves de Castro, Eliana Vitória Silva Barbosa, Glória Lúcia Alves Figueiredo

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