Climacteric women’s sexual function and quality of life
climacteric stage, menopause, women, sexual health, quality of lifeAbstract
Introduction: The climacteric period is a stage characterized by changes in women's bodies this way, numerous issues such as the decrease of vaginal lubrication, anorgasmia and dyspareunia may come up and be aggravated consequently promoting a reduction in the quality of life. Objective: To assess the relation between sexual functioning and life's quality in climacteric women. Methods: It is an observational and analytical study, with a cross-sectional design. The data collection was carried with 20 climacteric women aged from 38 to 60 years old. As instruments were used questionnaires that comprised sociodemographic data, the Female Sexual Function Index to examine the sexual function and the World Health Organization Quality of Life WHOQOL-BREF to assess life's quality. Results: It was noted that for women who have had sexual dysfunction in the excitation domain, the mean was below the cutoff point what does not happen with women who did not have dysfunction (p = 0,03), the same happens with orgasm and satisfaction domains. Correlating sexual function with life’s quality, the physical (p = 0,023) and environmental (p = 0,049) present statistical significance. Conclusion: It was determined that for women who have a reduced quality of life the sexual dysfunction impacts are larger.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Laís Figuerêdo Meira, Karla Cavalcante Silva de Morais, Nayara Alves de Sousa, Juliana Barros Ferreira

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