Physiotherapeutic interventions used in the functional rehabilitation of the upper limb of women post-mastectomy
physical therapy specialty, breast neoplasms, functionality, upper limbAbstract
Introduction: The surgical procedure is the main treatment for breast cancer and may be conservative or non-conservative. Surgical techniques are proposed along with adjuvant therapies (radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy). Regardless of technological advances, these procedures are still associated with a high prevalence of complications. Objective: This study aims to identify the indicators of functionality and the types of physiotherapeutic interventions used for evaluation and functional rehabilitation of the upper limbs of post-mastectomy women. Methods: A literature review was carried out in four databases: Scielo; Pedro; Pubmed and Lilacs. We included randomized clinical trials that addressed some type of physiotherapeutic intervention in the rehabilitation of upper limb functionality of women after mastectomy from 2012 to July 2018. Results: Functional indicators found in the articles were range of motion, muscle strength, volume of limb, pain, functionality and quality of life. The physiotherapeutic interventions proposed by the articles were: stretching; joint mobilization; neural mobilization; health education; scar massage; myofascial therapy; conventional decongestive therapy; vibratory therapy; acupuncture; active exercise and muscle strengthening. Conclusion: The results presented in this study show the importance of physical therapy, both to identify possible complications and to treat them.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Giovana Morin Casassola, Gabrieli Rodrigues Gonçalves, Joana Hasenack Stallbaum, Hedioneia Maria Foletto Pivetta, Melissa Medeiros Braz
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