Pilates program influences the mood of women in the climacteric
Pilates, climacteric, moodAbstract
Introduction: Pilates is a conditioning method that unites body and mind, providing general welfare to practitioners. Objective: To analyze the effects that Pilates has on climacteric women’s mood state. Methods: 10 sedentary, climacteric women between 41 and 64 years old participated in this study. The group was submitted to Pilates training program, composed of 10 sessions of 50 minutes, once per week, using 7 exercises. In order to analyze women’s mood, POMS (Profile of Mood States) was used, which consists of 42 adjectives divided in 6 states of mood. As evaluation for the climacteric symptoms the Blatt-Kupperman Index was applied. Furthermore, the Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to confirm the data reliability. The results were presented as the average and its standard deviation. It was also used a paired student t test to observe the differences between pre- and post-session. A significance of 5% was used for the statistical analysis using the software IBM SPSS. Results: It was observed a significant increase in Vigour levels (p< 0,01), reduction in Fatigue (p< 0,02) and in Total mood disturbance (p< 0,04). Conclusion: Pilates regularly (at least once a week) is capable of significantly improve sedentary, climacteric women’s mood state.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Daniele Pessoa Albuquerque, Maria Aline da Silva, Hallysson Valdeir Arruda de Lira, Weavans Monthier de Farias, Yumie Okuyama da Silva Gauto

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