Abdominal rehabilitation after labor
rehabilitation, physiotherapy, abdominal muscles, postpartum, puerperiumAbstract
Several physiological processes, visceral and osteomioarticular, occur during pregnancy and labor and impact significantly the female organism. The uterus expansion affects the abdomen shape and the abdominal muscles geometry, the pregnant uterus weight rises the pressure over the pelvic floor muscles with esthetic and functional repercussions. Objective: To review systematically studies published in the last 10 years about the techniques of abdominal rehabilitation on post childbirth. Methods: Systematic review of literature in the period between 2009 and 2019, on electronic data bases PubMed, BVS, Science Direct, PEDro. Results: There was a great variability in relation to the interventions used and the analyzed outcomes, being checked studies about abdominal flaccidity, fibrosis geloid edema, persistent urinary incontinence (UI) and abdominal rectus diastasis (ARD). Conclusion: According to the results obtained in the present study and based in previous studies, we conclude that abdominal exercises do not show significant change to UI treatment; more studies are necessary to analyze which exercises are effective to ARD treatment and if the machine that combines radiofrequency, infrared, mechanical massage and endermologie has positive influence on treatment for abdominal flaccidity, fibrosis geloid edema and localized lipodystrophy.
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