The KTK scale application for the analysis of the gross motor development in children
child, overweight, obesity, motor skillsAbstract
Introduction: The Körperkoordinations test für Kinder scale (KTK) stands out as an indirect and effective way of mapping gross motor coordination between 5 to 14 year olds. The test consists of four stages, which evaluate: 1) backward balance; 2) side jumps; 3) single jump and 4) transfer on platforms. Objective: To search through narrative review the applicability of the KTK scale in the research of gross motor development with overweight/obese and eutrophic children. Methods: A narrative review of the national and international literature was performed through the Lilacs, PubMed, Scielo and Bireme databases and by crossing the keywords: Child, Overweight, Obesity, Motor skills, Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK) and their correspondents in Portuguese. Observation and experimentation articles conducted from 2003 to the present moment were included as long as they met the inclusion criteria. Conclusion: The KTK test battery proved to be efficient for researching the gross motor development of underweight/obese and eutrophic individuals.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Fabiana do S. da Silva Dias de Andrade, Renato da Costa Teixeira, Lilian Rose Mascarenhas, Pollyanna Dórea Gonzada de Menezes, Rafael Vinícius Santos Cruz, Fabianne de Jesus Dias de Souza
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