Animal assisted therapy in palliative care
animal assisted therapy, animal facilitated therapy, palliative careAbstract
Introduction: As defined by World Health Organization, palliative care (PC) is an approach that promotes quality of life for patients and their families, who face life-threatening diseases and require the performance of a multidisciplinary team. Thus, several alternative therapies are being explored, among them Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT), an intervention aimed at developing and improving social, physical, emotional and cognitive aspects, developed with the health professional, using an animal as a facilitator. Objective: To verify which benefits can be attributed to patients in PC through AAT. Methods: Integrative review of literature in the databases Pubmed, BVS, Science Direct, Cochrane Library and PEDro, between the years 2009 and 2019. Results: Six articles were included according to the eligibility criteria. The population was mainly hospitalized adults. Behavior, mood, emotions, anxiety, stress, HR, BP and pain were evaluated. However, the methods of evaluation were empirical in most studies, being considered methodologically weak and only one moderate. Conclusion: Regarding the benefits produced by AAT on patients in PC, a positive response was observed in physical, emotional and psychological functions. Yet more research is needed with higher levels of scientific evidence.
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