Protective mechanical ventilation strategy in severe acute respiratory syndrome by influenza: a systematic review
respiratory distress syndrome; influenza virus; respiration, artificialAbstract
Objective: To assess whether the protective strategy of mechanical ventilation in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome due to Influenza can reduce the time of mechanical ventilation (MV) and increasing survival. Methods: Systematic literature review with the PRISMA-P 2015 protocol. The search strategy was performed in the Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane, Lilacs, Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Cinahl and SAGE databases. The search resulted in a total of 445 references, but only 1 article met the criteria defined for this review. The data were extracted and the evidence set was evaluated according to the GRADE approach. Results: The included study showed that the use of low tidal volumes brings benefits to patients with ARDS of viral etiologies, such as less time on mechanical ventilation and less time in the ICU and hospital. In addition, ventilated patients with high volumes had a higher mortality in 28 days. Conclusion: The results presented underline the importance of the immediate recognition of ARDS secondary to influenza infection and the need for implantation of protective MV. However, the low quality of the evidence from these studies does not allow us to draw robust conclusions.
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