Effect of muscular respiratory training in Huntington disease’s patients: study cases





Huntington's disease, muscle strength, respiratory muscles, walk test, muscle training


Introduction: Huntington's disease (DH) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, characterized by the triad: motor alterations, psychiatric disorders and cognitive dysfunction. Patients with HD will exhibit mobility restriction, which in the future will lead to generalized muscle weakness. Objective: To evaluate the effects of respiratory muscle training with the use of Threshold in patients diagnosed with DH treated at the Clinical School of Physical therapy of Unieuro University Center. Methods: Participants underwent respiratory muscle training with Threshold® IMT. The program consists of 3 sets with 5 replicates per day, for 3 weeks. At the end of the training the patients were reassessed, and the results obtained were compared with the results obtained in the initial evaluation. Results: After 3 weeks of training, patient 1 presented the best result of maximal inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure equal to 50 cmH20 and walked in the 6-minute walk test 261 m. Already, patient 2 presented the best inspiratory pressure result 70 cmH2O and the maximum expiratory pressure 60 cmH2O, and in the 6-minute walk test it ran 146 m. Conclusion: We concluded that respiratory muscle training may be beneficial for patients with Huntington's disease, but further studies are needed to determine the best protocol for them.

Author Biographies

Hudson Azevedo Pinheiro, SESDF

Docente do curso de fisioterapia do Centro Universitário EuroAmericano de Brasí­lia (UniEuro), Fisioterapeuta da Secretaria de Saúde do Distrito Federal (SESDF), Brasília, DF, Brasil

Anna Beatriz Milesi Galdino, UniEuro

Discente do curso de fisioterapia do Centro Universitário EuroAmericano de Brasí­lia (UniEuro), Brasília, DF, Brasil

Anne Beatriz Alves Silva, UniEuro

Discente do curso de fisioterapia do Centro Universitário EuroAmericano de Brasí­lia (UniEuro), Brasília, DF, Brasil

Larissa de Matos Andrade, UniEuro

Discente do curso de fisioterapia do Centro Universitário EuroAmericano de Brasí­lia (UniEuro) , Brasília, DF, Brasil

Verônica Ferreira Araújo, UniEuro

Discente do curso de fisioterapia do Centro Universitário EuroAmericano de Brasí­lia (UniEuro), Brasília, DF, Brasil

Flávia Perassa de Faria, UniEuro

Docente do curso de fisioterapia do Centro Universitário EuroAmericano de Brasí­lia (UniEuro), Brasília, DF, Brasil


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