Quality of life investigation of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy
quality of life; caregivers; children; physical functional performance; cerebral palsyAbstract
Introduction: Motor changes are frequently present and are related to the limited functional performance in the daily life activities of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP), requiring the need for total and/or partial help from caregivers, assuming multiple responsibilities leading to tiredness, isolation, overload, and stress. Objective: To identify the quality of life of primary caregivers of children with CP in neurofunctional rehabilitation centers of Florianópolis/SC. Methods: Cross-sectional study with primary caregivers of children with CP who attend at least one of the neurofunctional rehabilitation centers utilizing the following instruments: Short Form Health (SF-36), Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) and Part I of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Descriptive analysis, Shapiro Wilk test and Spearman test were performed with significance when p < 0.005. Results: We included 32 primary caregivers of children with CP. Most of children were with spastic quadriparesis CP, with severe and moderate degree of functionality, according to GMFCS (87%) and MACS (54.4%) respectively. In daily life activities, a higher degree of functional impairment was proportional to higher dependence, and therefore, greater need for help, especially related to self-care. Regarding quality of life, there was impairment in physical health and consequently a decrease in the social insertion of caregivers. Conclusion: The level of functionality of children with CP was proportional to their performance in daily activities independence, especially related to aspects of self-care, however, the need for mobility assistance and/or manual tasks did not interfere significantly with caregivers’ quality of life.
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