Congenital clubfoot: Ponseti method and its applicability by the physiotherapist
congenital clubfoot, Ponseti method, Physical Therapy, equinovarusAbstract
The congenital club foot is one of the most frequent lower limb deformities that, due to its complexity in relation to anatomical changes, is the subject of doubts and divergence of opinion of professionals in the area regarding the most effective treatment. However, the method most used currently and that has presented positive results is that of Ponseti. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the Ponseti method and its applicability by the physiotherapist. This research was a literature review, with a qualitative approach, through consultation of publications of Scielo, Lilacs, Medline and Bireme databases, preferably in the last ten years, and data collection in October 2016. We found 248 publications and after analysis, 23 articles were selected for the research, distributed in two categories: Efficacy of the Ponseti method and Efficacy of physiotherapeutic techniques. The Ponseti method has been shown to be the most effective in the treatment of congenital clubfoot, and its techniques are similar to those used by physiotherapists, being possible its applicability by this professional, except for tenotomy of the calcaneus. Therefore, this work opens space for new research that corroborates this theme.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Flávia da Costa Fincato, Rose Lídice Holanda, Ana Paula Lima de Deus, Denilson de Queiroz Cerdeira
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