Variation of painful symptomatic response in the lumbar spine by visceral manipulation


  • Rafael do Nascimento Bentes UNAMA



pain, manual therapy, manipulation therapy


Introduction: Visceral manipulation is currently a treatment widely used by osteopaths worldwide, however, its basis of mechanisms is still poorly understood, and there is a lack of published research on such interventions. The concept for treatment is based on the action on fascia adhesions that supposedly affect visceral hemodynamics, autonomic dysregulation, psychosomatic factors, and visceral ptosis, directly affecting the proper functioning of other body structures. Objective: This study aimed to measure the immediate variations in the symptomatic painful response to pressure in the lumbar spine by visceral manipulation. Methods: This is an experimental study, with a longitudinal approach and quantitative character. Consisting of a sample of twelve individuals divided into G1 (use of visceral manipulation), G2 (use of placebo) and use of the pressure algometer in the paravertebral muscles corresponds to the topographic level of the fifth lumbar vertebra. For statistical analysis of the data obtained, the Student's t test was applied to paired samples using the Bioestat software. In addition, the level of rejection of the null hypothesis was set at 0.05 or 5%. Results: Relevance was obtained from a statistical point of view in the analysis of the groups submitted to visceral manipulation. When compared to other recent evidence, the results obtained by the study reveal consistent data. Conclusion: The results of this study provide reliable information that will guide the future use of visceral manipulation in chronic low back pain, showing a good prognosis in the short term.


Author Biography

Rafael do Nascimento Bentes, UNAMA

Pós-graduado em fisioterapia em traumatologia e ortopedia pela Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA)


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