Physical therapy in gynecological complications arising from the treatment of cervix cancer
medical oncology, cervix uteri, pelvic floor, sexual healthAbstract
Introduction: The treatment of Cervical Cancer (CC) has anatomofunctional consequences for the genital system. Objective: To verify the effect of physical therapy on gynecological complications and quality of life (QOL) in women after CC treatment. Methods: Clinical trial, with 16 women who underwent CC treatment, divided into two groups: 10 for the outpatient group (GAM) and 6 for the home group (GDE). The intervention consisted of perineal massage and training of the pelvic floor muscles for six weeks, with the GAM performed on an outpatient basis and the GDE at home. Results: The gynecological complications found in both groups were stenosis, vaginal dryness, vaginal shortening, vaginal narrowing, dyspareunia and decreased libido as the most prevalent in both groups. After the protocol, the GAM showed a statistically significant improvement for stenosis, dryness, vaginal shortening, vaginal narrowing and decreased libido. Conclusion: Both gynecological complaints and muscle function had a statistically significant improvement in GAM, while aspects related to some domains of the sexual function questionnaire and regarding the perception of QOL showed similar results in both groups.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Marina Rodrigues Lopes Pereira, Hellem Samilles Cardoso da Costa, Natália de Souza Duarte, George Alberto da Silva Dias, Cibele Nazaré Câmara Rodrigues, Gustavo Fernando Sutter Latorre, Erica Feio Carneiro Nunes
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