Urinary symptoms and quality of life of women after cervical cancer treatment





cervical cancer; urinary incontinence; quality of life



Introduction: Treatment for cervical cancer (CC) has sequelae for the lower urinary tract that can result in urinary symptoms. Objective: To analyze the urinary complaints and quality of life (QOL) of women after CC treatment. Methods: Cross-sectional study, with sampling for convenience, conducted with 44 women referred by oncologists. A physical therapy assessment form, the “King’s Health Questionnaire” (KHQ), was used to assess QOL. Descriptive statistics were presented with the frequencies of the variables and their respective percentages. For the presentation of the KHQ data, frequencies, percentages and 95% confidence intervals were used. Results: Urinary complaints reported were urinary urgency, stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and nocturia, 23%, 20%, 20%, respectively. The groups that underwent adjuvant treatment had more urinary complaints when compared with the participants that underwent only surgery. QoL was altered for the worse in seven of the eight KHQ domains. Conclusion: The treatment for UCC can generate several urinary symptoms for these women, these effects being negative in the short and long term. Urinary urgency was more prevalent and worse results were seen when adjuvant treatment was performed.

Author Biographies

Vivian Patrí­cia Castro Feitosa, UNAMA

Graduanda do curso de fisioterapia da Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA), Belém, PA, Brasil

Saul Rassy Carneiro, UFPA

Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Belém, PA, Brasil

Cibele Nazaré Câmara Rodrigues, UFPA

Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Bélem, PA, Brasil

Renato da Costa Teixeira, UFPA

Professor do curso de Fisioterapia da UFPA, Bélem, PA, Brasil

Gustavo Fernando Sutter Latorre, Perineo.net

Portal Perineo.net, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil

Erica Feio Carneiro Nunes, UFPA

Professor do curso de Fisioterapia da UFPA, Bélem, PA, Brasil


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