Electromiographic profile of the pelvic floor of belly dancers


  • Patricia Brito Veiga Centro Universitario Redentor Fisiowork
  • Magda Patrí­cia Furlanetto UNIRITTER




dance, pelvic floor, electromyography


Introduction: It is known the importance of physical therapy in the recovery and prevention of pelvic floor dysfunctions, and belly dancing is recognized for acting on this musculature. Objective: To investigate the functionality of the pelvic floor muscles using electromyography in belly dancers. Method: Women aged 18 to 35 years, who have been practicing belly dancing for at least two years, were evaluated, compared to non-practicing women. Electromyographic parameters were analyzed for tonic and phasic fibers during contraction and rest. The percentage values ​​were obtained from the peak of maximum voluntary contraction. Results: There was statistical significance in the muscle activation of the phasic fibers during contraction and at rest for women who practice belly dancing more than twice a week. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the regular practice of belly dancing presents less activation of phasic fibers both during contraction and at rest compared to the group of non-practicing women. The association of phasic fiber training programs is necessary in order to avoid, in the long term, losses in relation to muscle strength, agility and genitourinary functions.

Author Biographies

Patricia Brito Veiga, Centro Universitario Redentor Fisiowork

Aluna Pós-graduanda em Fisioterapia Pélvica pelo Centro Universitário Redentor FisioWork

Magda Patrí­cia Furlanetto, UNIRITTER

Orientadora, Professora do Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis – UniRitter


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