Physical therapeutic resources in vaginismus


  • Nathália Torres Levandoski UniRitter
  • Magda Patrí­cia Furlanetto UniRitter



vaginismus, physical therapy, rehabilitation


Vaginismus consists of involuntary spasms in the external musculature of the vagina, the etiology of which is still unknown, but there are cases of biopsychosocial factors such as sexual abuse, strict sex, education, emotional trauma, religious beliefs, low-quality sexual relations, fear of sex, or even changes of ostemioarticular origin, can lead to this condition, making vaginal penetration impossible during sexual intercourse, gynecological exams or use of tampons. Objective: To highlight as physical therapy practices, their validation for the treatment of vaginismus and to verify the effectiveness of the analyzed practices. Methods: Systematic literature review carried out through digital bibliographic research on scientific articles published in electronic and electronic journals, randomized clinical trials, with no period between the years 2010 to 2020, in the electronic databases PubMed, Bireme and PEDro. Results: There was no great variability in the resources used and the studies showed positive and similar results. Conclusion: Physical therapy proved to be beneficial for cases of vaginismus, with the use of functional electrical stimulation (FES) in an analogue way, pelvic floor muscle relaxation exercises, local desensitization performed with vaginal dilator and massage. However, more research is needed, considering the moderate methodological scores found in the studies analyzed.

Author Biographies

Nathália Torres Levandoski, UniRitter

Aluna de graduação em Fisioterapia do Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis – UniRitter, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

Magda Patrí­cia Furlanetto, UniRitter

Orientadora, Profª da Disciplina de Fisioterapia Urogenital do Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil


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