Manual evaluation of mobility and diaphragmatic tonicity in professional lyrical singers and non-singers




diaphragm, muscle tonus, singing


Introduction: The professional lyrical singers during their careers suffer great demand and consequent alteration of the coordination of the respiratory muscles, however it is not known if these requirements can alter the mobility and tonicity in the main muscle of the breath, the diaphragm. Objectives: To evaluate and compare diaphragm tonicity and mobility of professional lyric singers and non-singers. The study included 15 professional lyric singers in their full careers and 24 non-singing adults of equivalent ages and BMIs. Methods: Two forms of manual evaluation of the diaphragm were used: to assess costal mobility, the part of the manual evaluation to evaluate this parameter was used the Manual Evaluation of the Diaphragm Scale (MED Scale); and to evaluate the diaphragmatic tonicity the evaluation described by Rial and Pinsach in 2015. Results: The results showed that the distribution of the manual evaluation of the diaphragm in the group of singers presented a significantly different distribution, with p < 0,05, in relation to the bilateral diaphragm tonicity, presenting them with greater hypertonicity in relation to the control group, and that there were no significant differences regarding mobility. Conclusion: The artistic gestures used by professional lyric singers affect the tone of the diaphragm.

Author Biographies

Tati Helene, Fisioterapia em Performance

Ft., Mestre em Performance de Ópera pelo Conservatório Antonio Buzzolla, Itália, graduada em fisioterapia e canto lí­rico. Cantora Lí­rica Profissional nos teatros Palácio das Artes, Belo Horizonte, Theatro São Pedro - São Paulo, Theatro da Paz - Belém, Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, Teatro Adamastor - Guarulhos, Teatro Malibran - Venezia, Itália, Theatro Municipal José de Castro Mendes - Campinas, Sala Cecí­lia Meireles - Rio de Janeiro, Sala São Paulo - São Paulo, Teatro Pedro Calmon - Brasí­lia, Theater Rigiblick - Zurich, Suí­ça

Cristina Prota, CAM

Coordenadora e Docente do curso de Fisioterapia do Centro Universitário das Américas, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Angelica Alonso Castilho, USJT

Docente do Programa de Mestrado Ciências do Envelhecimento da USJT e pesquisadora do Laboratório do Estudo do Movimento do IOT-HC- FMUSP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil


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