Integrative and complementary practices applied to adult patients with cancer
cancer, complementary therapies, integrative and complementary practicesAbstract
Introduction: Cancer is a pathology capable of modifying the biopsychosocial conditions of individuals in a negative way, evidencing the need for comprehensive care in cancer treatment, and Integrative and Complementary Practices (ICPs) emerge with many promises for this type of treatment. Objectives: To identify the effects of ICPs on the biopsychosocial conditions of adult cancer patients, the profile of users, the ICPs most studied and their application in cancer patients. Methods: Integrative Literature Review, quantitative-qualitative, from articles and academic papers published in Bireme/BSV, CAPES, PEDro and Google Scholar, between 2010 and 2019, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, search result using the DeCS "Complementary Therapies" and "Cancer". Results: The use of PICs was predominant in female and male patients, between 40 and 91 years old, undergoing chemotherapy treatment, with gynecological cancer; the main techniques used were relaxation and acupuncture, producing statistically significant effects on the reduction of anxiety, depression, analgesic use, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, pain, among others. Conclusion: Few experimental studies were identified, addressing few ICPs, with great variation of methodologies; however, it was possible to identify important effects in the physical and psychological spheres, little evidence of social and cognitive improvement, and no statistically significant results in the aspects quality of life and use of non-analgesic medications.
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