Impact of two methods of pulmonary re-expansion in patients undergoing bariatric surgery by videolaparoscopy




bariatric surgery, pulmonary atelectasis, Physical Therapy


Evaluating the impact of lung re-expansion methods on the postoperative pulmonary function and respiratory complications such as atelectasis, pneumonia and hypoxemia in videolaparoscopy-based bariatric surgery. Prospective clinical study conducted with 105 patients randomly divided into three groups: control (conventional postoperative physical therapy), recruitment (intraoperative alveolar recruitment) and decompression (postoperative chest compression and decompression maneuver). Spirometry, respiratory and hemodynamic variables were analyzed. All groups have presented worsened values in spirometry measurements within the postoperative period (p < 0.00) and there was significant decrease in respiratory rates in comparison to the immediate preoperative period (p = 0,01). Mean end-expiratory carbon dioxide pressure in the recruitment group was higher than in the control in all assessed time intervals (p = 0.03). Chest compression and decompression maneuver and alveolar recruitment were beneficial to pulmonary function recovery. There were no differences in postoperative pulmonary complications and function in the three assessed groups, except for significant decrease in respiratory rates and in the end-expiratory carbon dioxide pressure level in the recruitment group.

Author Biographies

Fabiana Della Via, UNICAMP

Hospital e Maternidade Galileo; Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brasil

Admar Concon Concon Filho, Hospital e Maternidade Galileo

Departamento de cirurgia, Hospital e Maternidade Galileo, Valinhos, SP, Brasil

Carolina Kosour, UNIFAL

Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Alfenas, MG, Brasil

Carlos Eduardo Ferraresi Andrade, Hospital e Maternidade Galileo

Departamento de Anestesiologia, Hospital e Maternidade Galileo, Valinhos, SP, Brasil

Emanuel Guedes, Hospital e Maternidade Galileo

Departamento de Anestesiologia, Hospital e Maternidade Galileo, Valinhos, SP, Brasil

Desanka Dragosavac, UNICAMP

Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, Brasil


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