Knowledge of parents/guardians about the importance of stimulation of vestibular development through toys/games
vestibular system; toys/games; parents/responsibleAbstract
Introduction: Trough corporal movement, the child interacts and act in a dynamic way in the physical and social environment. However, so that the child could act, is necessary to have as a basic support the body balance that is associated to visual systems functions, proprioceptive and vestibular. The latter contributes with important information to the sensation and perception of the movement and the position of the body as a whole. When shows some disturb, can compromise the learning and development of the child. Objective: To identify the learning from parents/responsible about the importance of the stimulation in the vestibular development through toys/games. Methods: It was applied to the parents/responsible a quiz containing 27 questions seeking to know the games routine of children aged 3 to 12 years through Google Forms platform. Results: The results evidenced that just 37% of the parents/responsible know the relation of play and the stimulation of the vestibular system with the learning of the children. The most of the participants (71.70%) reported not having heard about Vestibular System and have no knowledge about the function of it in the development of the children. Conclusion: It follows that with this study that few are the parents/responsible that already heard about the Vestibular System and know about its function and the importance of the stimulation since through toys and games in the child development.
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