Analysis of developmental milestones in preterm infants using the Bayley Scale
child development; infant, premature; early interventionAbstract
Premature infants are at increased risk for delayed acquisition of neuromotor skills. The developmental milestones recommend that a baby at term of six months be able to remain seated with support, at nine months move around using the crawling movement and, at 12 months, walk with support. This study aimed to analyze the gross motor development of babies born preterm regarding the acquisition of the skills of sitting, crawling and walking, using the scores of the Bayley-III Scale, applied at six, nine and 12 months in participants of an early intervention program, relating them to sex and gestational age. We observed that of the 129 participants, 37.21% of the babies sat with support for 30 seconds at six months. As for the crawling series, assessed at nine months, 27.91% of babies showed movement at this age. At 12 months, the majority of participants (82.17%) presented the floor with support, as expected for their age. Considering sex and gestational age, the fewer gestational weeks the fewer babies reached the goals for age/month and this occurrence is more frequent in boys.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ligiane Souza dos Santos, Lilian Cristina Munhoz Soria, Janaina Senhorini dos Santos, Juliana Marinho Antoniucci, Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues

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