Beyond the office: a multifaceted gait analysis in neurological patients


  • Julio Guilherme Silva UNIG
  • Jacqueline Stephanie Fernandes do Nascimento UNIG
  • Nicolle dos Santos Moraes Nunes UNIG
  • Marcos Antônio Alves Azizi UNIG
  • Marco Orsini UNIG



gait analysis; neurology evaluation


Introduction: Gait can be defined as a cicle pattern in biped posture that use to lower limb to body propulse. In Neurology, the physical exam of gait represents a neurological signal. This fact can help in the diagnosis conclusion. In a clinical setting and medical office, the critical evaluation is restricted to the physicians expertise. The space of doctor´s room is often reduced and inappropriate time for evaluation. Objective: This study aimed to discuss the main points of gait analysis in neurological outpatients. Methods: In this narrative review, 32 articles were analyzed, and after included criteria, 6 articles were selected. In neurology medical office must respected criteria to no promote bias of gait parameter and complicate global assessment. Conclusion: Therefore, there is a need for further discussions, within the scope to better assess the gait parameters.

Author Biographies

Julio Guilherme Silva, UNIG

Grupo de pesquisa em Ciências da Saúde, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG) Nova Iguaçu/RJ, Brasil; Prof. Adjunto da Faculdade de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil

Jacqueline Stephanie Fernandes do Nascimento, UNIG

Graduanda de Medicina na Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG), Nova Iguaçu, RJ, Brasil

Nicolle dos Santos Moraes Nunes, UNIG

Graduanda de Medicina na Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG), Nova Iguaçu, RJ, Brasil

Marcos Antônio Alves Azizi , UNIG

Médico, Professor titular da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG), Nova Iguaçu, RJ, Brasil

Marco Orsini, UNIG

Médico Neurologista, Professor titular da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG), Nova Iguaçu, RJ, Brasil; Instituto Caduceu, Escola de Pós-Graduação Médica Continuada, São Paulo, SP, Brasil; Programa de Doutorado em Neurologia e Neurociências, HUAP, Universidade Federal Fluminense. Niterói, RJ, Brasil


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