Physical activity, physical fitness and low back pain in young adults: systematic review of observational evidence
low back pain; physical fitness; physical activity.Abstract
Introduction: Low back pain has been characterized as an important public health problem since young ages. Among the variables that can impact this occurrence are physical activity and physical fitness, however the results of different observational studies on the subject are inconsistent. Objective: To verify the association between physical activity, physical fitness and low back pain in young adults. Methods: A systematic review of observational studies was carried out, in which physical activity and physical fitness were variables of exposure and low back pain outcome. The searches were carried out in the following databases: Pubmed, Web of Science, Science Direct, Lilacs, Scielo, PEDRo e Central. Results: In total, eight studies were included. One study out of four found that vigorous physical activity increases the chances of low back pain. For muscle strength, two out of five studies found an association between lower trunk strength and a higher chance of low back pain, while for flexibility, no results were observed. Low cardiorespiratory fitness was associated with low back pain in one of two studies. For body composition, two out of three studies found a contradictory association with BMI. Conclusion: In view of the results presented by the studies included in the systematic review, no consistent evidence of an association between physical activity, physical fitness and low back pain in young adults was identified.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Leticia Aparecida Ferreira Gottarde, Gleice Beatriz Batista Vitor, Fabio Antônio Neia Martini, Raphael Gonçalves de Oliveira

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