The impact of app use on adherence and persistence to the treatment of female urinary incontinence: randomized longitudinal study
urinary incontinence; pelvic floor; treatment adherence and compliance; health education; low cost technologyAbstract
Aims: To analyze the adherence of incontinent women to smartphone-assisted pelvic physical therapy compared to traditional approaches. Methods: Longitudinal randomized controlled study of 128 women: G1 application-assisted face-to-face physical therapy; G2 face-to-face physical therapy and printed exercise sheet; G3 application only and G4 printed sheet only. There were 12 face-to-face group physical therapy sessions once a week for 3 months. Results: 77 (60.2%) adhered to the treatment and 51 (39.8%) did not. Adherents had an average of 48.3 years, against 44.5 for non-adherents (p = 0.015). There was less adherence to synchronous methodologies: G1, 19 (50%), G2, 21 (28.8%), when compared to asynchronous: G3, 3 (13.6%), and in G4, 8 (32%) (p = 0.025). Smokers (71.4%) and alcohol users (53.85%) did not adhere (p = 0.002 and p = 0.016 respectively). 50 women had SUI, 67 MUI and 11 UUI, not correlated with adherence (p = 0.06). None of non-adherent women had an income above 6 base salaries. Conclusion: Adherence to pelvic floor muscle training is higher when physical therapy is combined with a mobile app. Smoking, alcohol consumption and income category negatively impact adherence.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Claudia Veloso Mueller, Maura Regina Seleme, Gustavo Fernando Sutter Latorre, Monique Schreiner, Rogério de Fraga

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