Evolution of the motor profile of autistic persons after brief psychomotor intervention
child; autism spectrum disorder; child development disordersAbstract
Introduction: The Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological development disorder being present since childhood, presenting social-communicative and behavioral impairments. Objective: To verify the evolution of the autistic motor profile. Methods: Interventionist and quantitative cross-sectional study carried out at the Child Rehabilitation Center in a city in Minas Gerais. The sample consisted of 14 children diagnosed with ASD, aged between 2 and 10 years old, both genders. Initially, a data collection instrument was applied with those responsible for the child. The Rosa Neto Motor Development Scale (EDM) was applied before and after the intervention. Data were analyzed using Excel. Results: Referring to fine motor skills, 42.86% of children improved. As for global motricity, 50% showed satisfactory results. Most of sample obtained good results in relation to balance (71.43%), body scheme (64.28%) and spatial organization (64.28%). Referring to the temporal organization, 42.86% children obtained significant results. Only 14.28% maintained the results obtained before the intervention, with no improvement in psychomotor development. Conclusion: The psychomotor profile of most children with ASD improved in all variables of the EDM scale after a period of brief psychomotor intervention.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Larissa Mirela da Silveira Alves, Nilce Maria de Freitas Santos, Gisélia Gonçalves de Castro

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