Epidemiological profile of patients with multiple sclerosis hospitalized in public hospitals in Pará from January 2008 to December 2018
central nervous system; multiple sclerosis; hospitalizationAbstract
Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory, demyelinating, progressive and incurable disease that affects the central nervous system and generates physical and cognitive deficits. It is usually in the severe phase of the disease that the individual seeks medical assistance due to the severity of the symptoms. Objective: To characterize the epidemiological profile of patients with multiple sclerosis admitted to public hospitals in Pará from 2008 to 2018. Methods: This study was carried out using secondary information stored in the online platform SIS/DATASUS. Results: The number of admissions for multiple sclerosis in public hospitals in Pará was 96 cases, the regions with the most admissions were the locations outside the metropolitan area (73.96%), with higher prevalence in females (55.21% ), in the age group from 30 to 39 years old (32.29%), in the brown race (48.96%). Most admissions were urgent (95,83%), the average period of stay was 10,5 days and the mortality rate was 2.08%. Conclusion: This study has limitations because it is secondary data and because of the limited number of epidemiological studies for discussion.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Cristina Maria da Silva, Camilo Carvalho Gomes, Samara Ferreira Santis, William Rafael Almeida Moraes
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