Functional capacity of individuals with chronic diseases
cardiorespiratory fitness; chronic disease; walk testAbstract
Introduction: Chronic diseases are complex health conditions associated with varied symptoms, which increase the propensity for exacerbations, reduced functional capacity and poorer quality of life (QL). Thus, restoring functional capacity can be an important therapeutic target, including morbidity and mortality. For this, it is necessary to monitor this important variable. Objective: To investigate the functional capacity of disabling with chronic diseases. Methods: Cross-sectional study of a convenience sample with adults with chronic diseases, which analyze the level of functional capacity using the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and the sit and stand test. Cardiorespiratory capacity through the Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) questionnaire and dyspnea by the Medical Research Council (MRC). To assess the impact of the disease on the individual's life, quality of life (QL) was analyzed using the Saint George's Hospital Respiratory Disease Questionnaire (SGRQ) and the STOP-BANG Questionnaire for the detection of the risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) and for the assessment of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (SES) the Epworth questionnaire was used. Data were fulfilled in the statistical program SigmaPlot version 11.0 (Systat Software). Results: 77 patients with chronic diseases were studied, the main diagnosis being COPD. Most had grade 2 dyspnea, approximately 39% had daytime sleepiness and approximately 25% had high risk of OSAS. QoL was reduced in all domains, especially in the domain that analyzed the impact of the disease on life. Cardiorespiratory capacity was low. The mean distance covered in the 6MWT corresponded to 72.72% of the predicted value, demonstrating low functional capacity. Conclusion: The nodes with chronic diseases studied, health conditions compromised in a multidimensional way, with reduced functional capacity. There is a reduction in quality of life and sleep quality, with the presence of sleep disorders in a significant portion, in addition to the presence of a variety of conditions that negatively impacted their life.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Orlando Pereira Cativo, Wendell Mattheus Amâncio da Silva, Jennifer Letícia Nery Gomes Ferreira, Jaqueline de Sousa Veras Barbosa, Ejandre Garcia Negreiros da Silva, Barbara Lira Bahia, Roberta Lins Gonçalves

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