Association between dizziness and frailty in elderly




dizziness; frailty; aged


Introduction: Dizziness is common in elderly. This symptom causes instability in body balance and can affect the elderly's life in a broad way. Aim: To verify the association between dizziness and frailty in elderly. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out based on the screening of 700 medical records from the physiotherapy clinic. Elderly people aged ≥ 60 years, of both sexes, residing in the southwestern administrative region of Brasília, with information in medical records regarding the factors dizziness and frailty, were selected. Results: 383 elderly people participated in the study. 76.2% of the elderly were female, 55.1% > 80 years old, 43.9% with income between 2 and 3 minimum wages, 53.3% with incomplete primary education and the prevalence of dizziness was 57.7%. There was a significant association between dizziness and the variables: frailty (OR: 3.59 CI 95%), risk of falling (OR: 9.81 CI: 95%) and fall episode (OR: 15.35 CI: 95%). Conclusion: Dizziness was associated with the following variables: frailty, risk of falling and falling episodes in the elderly. The data suggest the importance of a broader understanding of dizziness and the need for a multifactorial and multidisciplinary approach.

Author Biographies

Jeremias Bruno Silva de Oliveira, ESCS

Especialização em andamento no Programa de residência multiprofissional em saúde do adulto e idoso pela Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS), Brasília, DF, Brasil

Hudson Azevedo Pinheiro, ESCS

Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Distrito Federal, Brasília, DF (Fisioterapeuta do Ambulatório de Geriatria), Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS) (Preceptor/Tutor do Programa Multiprofissional em Saúde do Adulto e do Idoso), Brasília, DF, Brasil


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