Effects of a strength, flexibility, and balance exercise protocol on peripheral nerve injuries: a case study
peripheral nerve injuries; physical therapy; postural balanceAbstract
Introduction: Peripheral nerve injuries are more frequent in upper limbs, which are important for activities of daily living, balance and protective reflexes. Changes in the postural control system can impact the functionality of these individuals. Therefore, alternatives are needed to improve changes secondary to the injury. Objective: To evaluate the effects of a strength, flexibility and balance exercise protocol in a patient with peripheral nerve damage. Methods: Case study with a quantitative approach carried out at the Clinical School of Physiotherapy at Unochapecó, from April to July 2021, totaling 30 interventions of 60 minutes each. The sample consisted of a 46-year old male patient with a diagnosis of peripheral nerve damage in the right upper limb, resulting from a motorcycle accident. An initial assessment was carried out, following the application of the protocol, after performing the scales and tests: BESTest, MiniBESTest, Romberg-Barré, Isometric Manual Dynamometry, Sit and Reach Test and Mini Mental State Examination. The protocol contained strength, flexibility and balance exercises. Date were analyzed using comparative descriptive statistics, before and after the protocol (mean and percentage). Results: There was improvement in muscle strength, thoracolumbar flexibility (increase of 13 cm “61,90”) and balance tests (15,81% BESTest, 21,42% MiniBESTest and 67,16% Romberg-Barré). Conclusion: The exercise protocol positively reflected on the improvement of flexibility, muscle strength and balance of the patient, becoming a viable alternative to improve changes to a secondary injury.
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