Impact of the pilates method on ventilatory muscle strength in the elderly: a systematic review




Pilates; muscle strength; sarcopenia


Introduction: The reduction in muscle respiratory capacity is correlated to sarcopenia and, therefore, there is a decline in diaphragmatic activity, causing difficulty in performing activities of daily living. In Pilates, a breathing pattern is carried out that is reconciled with each movement, generating an increase in muscle breathing strength in the elderly. Objectives: To review the influence of the Pilates method on respiratory muscle strength in the elderly. Methods: This is a systematic review using the PICO methodology and keywords (muscle strength, elderly, physical exercises, Pilates, breathing, body awareness). Studies of the type randomized clinical trials that addressed the impact of the Pilates method on the strength of muscle ventilation in the elderly, available in English and Portuguese, published between 2011 and 2020 with the aim of updating the topic were included. Results: A search resulted in 169 articles, of which 100 were excluded, remaining 69 articles. At the end, 5 articles were included. Samples range from 16 to 80 participants. The selected studies demonstrated specific improvements in muscle strength attributed to muscle resistance training as well as reported positive changes in relation to muscle strengthening in the lower and upper limbs, and also altered the changes in the relationship between Pilates and muscle strength in the elderly. In addition, it was possible to notice that there are improvements in the respiratory parameters and physical conditioning of the elderly. Conclusion: It is concluded that the Pilates method increased the ventilatory muscle strength in elderly patients.

Author Biographies

Aline Miranda Lima, UNIFAN

Centro Universitário Nobre, Feira de Santana, BA, Brasil

Queila Moreira do Rosario, UNIFAN

Centro Universitário Nobre, Feira de Santana, BA, Brasil

André Luiz Lisboa Cordeiro, UFBA

Centro Universitário Nobre, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, UFBA, Salvador, BA, Brasil


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