labor, obstetric, humanizing delivery, natural childbirth, labor painAbstract
Introduction: The humanization of childbirth has been advocated by the Ministry of Health and encouraged within maternity hospitals. With it, several techniques and accessories have been used in order to provide the mother with a better delivery experience. One of them is the birthing stool, which even today, presents contradictory opinions about it. Objective: To systematically review studies published in the last 10 years on the use of the birthing stool, especially during the second stage of labor. Methods: Systematic literature review conducted through a digital bibliographic search in scientific articles published in electronic journals, clinical trials and randomized studies, from 2011 to 2021, in the electronic databases PubMed, BVS, Scielo and PEDro. Results: The stool reduced labor time in the 1st and 2nd stage of labor. It also had a higher frequency of spontaneous vaginal delivery. She had more pain when compared to other positions and also more blood loss. Conclusion: The use of a stool proved to be beneficial when analyzing the outcomes of time, episiotomy and spontaneous vaginal delivery. However, it did not show better results than horizontal positions for blood loss and pain.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ramine Fagundes Baigorra, Yasmin Podlasinski da Silva, Magda Patrícia Furlanetto
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