The effectiveness of a therapeutic exercise program via telemonitoring in patients with Parkinson's disease




Parkinson's disease, telemonitoring, exercise


Introduction: Parkinson's disease is a neurological, progressive and degenerative disease associated with changes in the quality of life of affected individuals. Therapeutic exercises are widely used in an attempt to slow or minimize the progression of the disease. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions were imposed in order to reduce the risk of contamination, which interrupted the access of this population to rehabilitation centers. Objective: To verify the effectiveness of an exercise protocol via telemonitoring in gait, balance, functional capacity and quality of life in people with Parkinson's disease. Methods: Therapeutic exercises were performed during 33 sessions in a period of sixteen weeks through telemonitoring. Clinical outcomes were collected before and after the protocol. Results: Statistical significance was observed in the variables PDQL, TUG and 10M, showing improvement in quality of life, balance and gait speed, respectively. The variables DGI, FGA and BERG, functional gait and balance scales, did not present significant results, but improvement was observed in the scores of most patients. Conclusion: The exercise program proved to be an effective option, showing improvement in gait, balance, functional capacity and quality of life of the population studied.

Author Biographies

Alanna Veras Brito Fontenele, UFDPar

Acadêmica do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar), Parnaíba, PI, Brasil

Tatiane Araújo dos Santos, UFDPar

Acadêmica do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar), Parnaíba, PI, Brasil

Thalita Maciel de Matos, UFDPar

Acadêmica do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar), Parnaíba, PI, Brasil

Alessandra Tanuri Magalhães, UFDPar

Docente do curso de Fisioterapia na Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar), Parnaíba, PI, Brasil


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