Auriculotherapy for anxiety control in university students: an integrative review
auriculotherapy, anxiety, students, complementary therapiesAbstract
Introduction: Anxiety is a recurring problem among university students and auriculotherapy as a technique recognized by the World Health Organization and part of the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices in Brazil can contribute to its control. Objective: To carry out a systematic review on the reduction of anxiety in university students through auriculotherapy. Methods: A search for randomized clinical trials was carried out between February and March 2020 in four databases, and the methodological quality was evaluated by the PEDro Scale following the PRISMA recommendations. Results: 962 references were found, participating in the analysis four studies. It was found that there was variation between the intervention protocols, treatment time, instruments for quantifying the level of anxiety and nomenclature of the points. One study showed no significant reduction in anxiety. Three studies were classified as good quality and one as low quality. Conclusion: Studies suggest that auriculotherapy can be effective in controlling anxiety in university students. Due to the specificity of the sample, the number of studies found was low, which indicated the need for more research.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alberto Sumiya, Maria Helena Ribeiro de Checchi, Gabriel Farhat, Kelerman Ezequiel dos Santos, Vanessa Mainara Marcos, Carla Fabiana Tenani
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