Applicability of Gillet test: a scoping review
sacroiliac joint, musculoskeletal manipulations, motion perception, biomechanical phenomenaAbstract
Introduction: Tools for assessing joint mobility are important to help manual therapists to be more assertive in their clinical behavior. Gillet's test is a tool routinely used by professionals and its usefulness is still a matter of debate. The aim of this work was to investigate the types of scientific evidence on the Gillet’s test and analyze the gaps in the literature. A search was performed in the Medline/Pubmed, PEDro and Scielo databases. There were no restrictions regarding the type of study or sample characteristics. In each study, data were analyzed: study design, objectives, target population, treatment performed, results found, study conclusion, purpose, and health conditions. After screening, 22 studies were selected, the majority with the diagnostic accuracy study design followed by observational studies, quasi-experimental studies, randomized controlled studies, systematic review with meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies and diagnostic scale validation study, respectively. According to the purpose of the study, the highest quantitative found were from studies on the reliability of the Gillet test, followed by studies in which the Gillet’s test was used as an outcome measurement tool, a literature review study with meta-analysis, and a study in that the Gillet’s test was used, among other tests, to compose the validation of a diagnostic scale. As a characteristic of the study samples, mostly healthy participants were found, followed by individuals with chronic low back pain, sacroiliac dysfunction, stress urinary incontinence, amputees, pregnant and participants with sacroiliac pain. The Gillet’s test has low inter-examiner reliability and should not be considered for use in scientific studies as a tool to measure the movement outcome. Its clinical utility is debatable and, therefore, its use must be consistent with the professional's experience and accompanied by other reliable tests.
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