Effect of massage and kinesio taping on primary dysmenorrhea





dysmenorrhea, rehabilitation, massage, athletic tape


Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is characterized by pain in the lumbar and lower abdominal region and is associated with the menstrual cycle, being frequent in young women and affecting their activities of daily living and sleep quality. Objective: To verify the effect of connective tissue massage (CTM) and Kinesio Taping on primary dysmenorrhea in the variables pain, influence of pain on activities of daily living and sleep quality. Methods: Participated in the study 63 women between 18-26 years old who reported pain equal to or greater than 5 on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Of these, only 21 effectively participated in the study, and were divided into 3 groups: Control Group that did not receive intervention (7), MTC Group (6) treated with therapeutic massage and Kinesio Taping group (8) that received application of the resource in the lower abdomen and low back. For evaluation, the VAS for pain was used, questionnaire for the influence of pain on ADLs, and the Visual Analog Sleep Scales for sleep quality. Results: The groups that received intervention showed significant improvement in pain compared to the control group at all evaluated moments (p < 0.05) and improvement in the influence of pain on ADLs on all days of the cycle when comparing the control month and the month of the intervention (p < 0.05). There was no statistical difference in sleep assessment between the control and treatment months, but in the analysis between groups, Kinesio Taping was superior (p = 0.03). Conclusion: We observed reduction in pain in the groups that received intervention, and Kinesio Taping proved to be more effective in improving sleep quality.

Author Biographies

Gisela Rosa Franco Salerno, Mackenzie

Professor do Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Isabella Santana Garcia, Mackenzie

Fisioterapeuta formada pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Eduarda Coutinho de Carvalho, Mackenzie

Fisioterapeuta formada pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Bárbara Valente de Oliveira, Mackenzie

Fisioterapeuta formada pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brasil


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