Effects of the use of music as a facilitating environmental factor during the physiotherapeutic care of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy
Physiotherapy, cerebral palsy, music, international classification of functioning, disability and healthAbstract
Objective: To verify the effectiveness of enriching physical therapy from the use of music as a facilitating environmental factor in the context of rehabilitation of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP). Method: Series of three cases of children and adolescents with CP, classified in the Gross Motor Classification System (GMFCS) at levels I, II and III, in which music was used as a facilitator in the physical therapy session. The assessment of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics was carried out, in addition to the assessment with three standardized assessment instruments for this population: GMFCS, Functional Mobility Scale (FMS) and Manual Skill Classification System (MACS). Results: There was an improvement in the gross motor function of the individuals through the GMFM score before and after the intervention, reaching and/or exceeding the value of the minimum clinically important difference. Regarding quality of life, there are improvements in the scores of all variables evaluated for individuals from GMFCS I and III. However, the transfer and mobility variable of the individual GMFCS II had a score reduction of 4 points. Conclusion: Music associated with physical therapy care, in the three cases with CP reported, was a motivational facilitator, with the ability to positively modify gross motor function, quality of life and participation in different environments.References
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Copyright (c) 2023 Júlia Masiero Cardoso, Kamilly Noronha da Silva, Carla Skilhan de Almeida, Renata D’Agostini Nicolini-Panisson

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