Correlations between cognitive function, functional independence and risk fall in elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease




Alzheimer Disease, Aged, Cognition, Functional Status, Accidental Falls


Objective: To correlate the level of cognitive function, the level of functional independence and the risk of falls in elderly people with Alzheimer's dementia (AD). Methods: This is a cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive study, of the case series type, with 20 elderly people with a clinical diagnosis of AD. Anamnesis was applied through an evaluation form with personal, clinical and treatment data; the Mini Mental State Examination (MMEM) to assess cognitive function; the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) to assess the performance of the elderly in the motor and cognitive/social domains; and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, developed to assess the risk of falling in the elderly. To analyze the correlation between cognitive level and level of functional independence and cognitive level and risk of falls, Spearman's correlation index was calculated. Results: There was a strong correlation between MMSE and FIM scores (r=0.831; p < 0.001), between MMSE and TUG scores (r= -0.933; p < 0.001) and between FIM scores and TUG (r= -0.857; p < 0.001). There was also a strong correlation between AD stage and MMSE score (r=-0.946; p < 0.001), total FIM score (r=-0.904; p < 0.001); and, the TUG score (r=0.942; p < 0.001). Conclusion: There is a correlation between cognitive function, level of functional independence and risk of falling in elderly people with AD, and as the condition evolves in severity, there is a worsening of cognitive function, reduced functional autonomy and increased risk of falls.

Author Biography

DominiqueDominique Babini Albuquerque Cavalcanti, UNINASSAU

Fisioterapeuta, Doutora em Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente (UFPE), Mestra em Educação (USP), Especialista em Fisioterapia Hospitalar, Especialista em Saúde Pública e Vigilância Sanitária, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau Paulista (UNINASSAU - Campus Paulista), Paulista, PE; Universidade Salgado de Oliveira (UNIVERSO - Campus Recife), Recife, PE; Hospital Otávio de Freitas (HOF – Secretaria de Saúde Estadual/PE), Recife, PE, Brasil


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