Português Pulmonary function, fatigue and quality of life of pediatric oncologic patients
oncology, pediatrics, spirometry, quality of life, fatigueAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the pulmonary function (PF), the fatigue and quality of life (QoL) of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer and to compare the results among those who were in oncological treatment in hospitalization with those who keep in outpatient follow-up. Methods: Cross-sectional study including pediatric oncology patients (6-17 years). We evaluated PF with spirometry, fatigue, and QoL using the Quality of Life Pediatric Questionnaire. Results: Fifty patients were evaluated, 24 hospitalized for oncological treatment and 26 on outpatient follow-up (five in the chemotherapy maintenance phase and 15 on follow-up). PF presented alteration in 26% of patients, not occurring significant difference (p = 0.416) among inpatients (33.3%) and outpatients (19.2%), nor for fatigue variables. Inpatients did not present a difference in QoL in relation to outpatients (p = 0.309), but the parents perceived a worse QoL in hospitalized patients (p = 0.046). A moderate agreement (r = 0.669) was found among perceptions of the parents (score 67.65 ± 16.06) and patients (score 74.47 ± 15.42) in relation to QoL. In the analysis of fatigue, was not found concordance among the perceptions of parents and patients (r = 0.353), because they were perceived themselves better. Conclusion: Pediatric oncology patients did not present significant alterations in PF, fatigue and QoL, although when hospitalized for treatment, they presented worse QoL than those monitoring in the outpatient clinic in the perception of their parents.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Giana Berleze Penna, Luciane Dalcanale Moussalle, Bruna Kuhn, Fabricio Edler Macagnan, Jéssica Knisspell de Oliveira, Charise Alexandra Fonseca de Mesquita

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