Comparison of neurological assessment and general movements of infants at risk at different time points
Premature Newborn, Infant Development, Disability Assessment, Risk FactorsAbstract
Background: Brain development is a constant interaction between genetic, biological, and environmental factors. Its maturation process is extremely sensitive, and if it does not occur in sync, brain damage can occur in the immature brain, triggering a set of permanent movement and posture disorders. Thus, early diagnosis of developmental changes is essential for intervention to begin as soon as possible, optimizing results, improving functional skills, and reducing the damage to the future life of these babies, and serve as a basis for the actions of professional teams dedicated to stimulation and monitoring of child development. Objectives: To compare the neurological assessment and general movements of infants at risk at 40, 52, and 64 weeks of gestational age (GA). Methods: Infants at risk born in a reference maternal and child hospital were assessed for their neuromotor behavior using the "Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological Examination (HNNE)", "Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE)" and "General Movements Assessment (GMA)" scales at 40, 52, and 64 weeks gestational age. Data will be correlated and analyzed descriptively. Results: 33 infants at risk were assessed at 40, 52 and 64 weeks, i.e., up to six months of corrected age. Male gender (75.8%), a cesarean delivery (51.5%), and white race (60.6%) predominated. The Median Apgar score was nine, mean of five prenatal visits, and a mean GA of 35.8 weeks. Prematurity and congenital syphilis were the main diagnoses found. 30.3% of the patients underwent neuroimaging exams, especially brain ultrasounds, with normal results. There was a predominance of "altered evaluation" in HNNE and HINE at the three evaluative moments for term babies, especially for babies with congenital syphilis, and "adequate" for premature babies. In the GMA evaluation and regarding the presence of fidgety, there was a higher frequency of the "suboptimal" classification and most presented fidgety. In the longitudinal comparison between the three moments assessed using the HNNE/HINE scales, it was found that there was a significant difference between the first and the third evaluative moment (p = 0.029), where babies improved their classification. There were positive associations of results between the HNNE/HINE scales with scores in different variables. Conclusion: Infants at risk had altered scores on neurological assessments, indicating developmental delay. Children at risk or with delayed neurological development may present restrictions in activities and participation with compromised quality of life and even school learning. Therefore, it is extremely important to include standardized scales during neonatal screening in the routine of the Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit (NICU), as they are highly reliable and low-cost, so that early identification of neurological changes can be enabled, and thus intervene early, enhancing development.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Caroline Silveira Morinel, Carla Skilhan de Almeida, Lais Gerzson
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