Factors associated with the occurrence and types of injuries in amateur runners in the Federal District of Brazil





street running, amateur runner, run; runners; injuries; physical activity


Introduction: The ease and accessibility of street running attracts people in all types of physical condition, implying various risks of injury. Objective: To analyze the pattern of injuries recorded in adult amateur runners from Distrito Federal and identify factors associated with their occurrence, using the methodology of observational questionnaires by spontaneous response in the year 2022. Methods: We examined the total number and types of injuries in the last year: foot and ankle, knee, hip, low back pain and calf, and collected variables on physical, behavioral and practical characteristics through an online questionnaire answered by 230 people. Data were analyzed using logistic regression models, multiple correspondence, and Fisher's exact test. Results: The occurrence of injuries in the last year was significantly associated with the number of years of sport practice. As for the type of injury, the significant factor for the presence of hip injuries was the distance traveled per week, especially above 50km. However, these models explain only 5% of the total variance in the occurrence of injuries. Conclusion: We can infer that there is not a cohesive set of variables that explain the occurrence of injuries in this group, being consistent with data in the literature. Even so, there is a consensus that people who have been running longer and longer distances have significant susceptibility to injury. The large number of factors involved makes it difficult to interpret studies with spontaneous sampling, and studies using multivariate statistical models and targeted sampling are suggested.

Author Biographies

AndreiaAndreia Cristina Alves Salomão Teixeira, UniCEUB

Departamento de Fisioterapia, Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília (UniCEUB), DF, Brasil

Cristine Gobbato Brandão Cavalcanti, UniCEUB

Departamento de Fisioterapia, Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília (UniCEUB), DF, Brasil

Alessandra Vidal Prieto, UniCEUB

Departamento de Fisioterapia, Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília (UniCEUB), DF, Brasil

Roberto Brandão Cavalcanti, UnB

Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Brasília, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte, Brasília


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